Protecting Montana's Economy, Natural Resources
and Public Health.

Presentations from the 2024 Invasive Species Summit

Welcome from the Montana Invasive Species Council & Senator Steve Daines

Status of Invasives in Montana

Work Session #1: Actions to Address Invasive Species

  • Question: What are Montana's top invasive species of concern, and what actions are needed to make a meaningful difference in the management or prevention of each species?
  • Outcome: List up to three invasive species of concern in Montana AND the actions that are needed to address the gaps or needs for each species (detection, prevention, legislation, collaboration, treatment, research, etc.)

Persistence Pays off in Aquatic Plant Eradication

Changing Climate & Range Expansion

Community Science & Reporting Apps

Community Science at Work in Montana

Reporting Apps for the Public

Invasive Species Communication

Community Based Social Marketing

Campaigns to Educate the Public

Work Session #2: Actions to Improve Invasive Species Communication with the Public

  • Question 1: How can invasive species professionals encourage the public to become more engaged in invasive species actions & reporting?
  • Outcome 1: Report up to three actions that invasive species professionals can take to improve the public's engagement regarding invasive species activities & to encourage reporting. 
  • Question 2: What actions can improve invasive species professionals do to improve invasive species campaign messaging? What actions are needed to improve campaign effectiveness?
  • Outcome 2: Report on actions that will improve messaging and effectiveness for invasive species education campaigns. 

Rapid Fire Success Stories, New Collaborations, & Good News